apostolate of, 864, 900, 2442
lay people presiding at blessings, 1669
and Liturgy of the Hours, 1174-75
participation of the laity
        in Christ's kingly office, 908-13, 943
        in Christ's priestly office, 901-03, 941
        in Christ's prophetic office, 785, 904-07, 942
significance of the word, 897
vocation of lay people, 898-900, 2442

Abraham and the Lamb for the burnt offering, 2572
apocalypse and the, 1137, 2159
Christ the, 523, 536, 602, 608, 613, 719, 1364
the Church, the spouse of the, 757, 796
the wedding feast of die, 1329, 1602, 1612, 1642, 2618
witnesses and the glory of the, 2642

of creation, 2500
duplicity in speech, 2338, 2480
of faith, 170-71, 185
human freedom in relation to God, 40-43
of prayer, 2663
of signs and symbols in human life, 1146
words of God expressed in human, 101

Last Supper
bread, wine, and the Last Supper, 1412
breaking of bread and the Lord's Supper, 1329
cup of the New Covenant and, 612
ecclesial communities derived from the Reformation and, 1400
Eucharist and, 1337, 1366
institution of the Eucharistic Sacrifice and, 1323
offertory and, 1350
passover in the Kingdom of God and, 1166, 1403, 2816
significance of the Lord's Supper, 1329

definition of, 1952
different expressions of (eternal, natural, revealed, etc.), 1952
economy of law and grace liberates the heart, 2541
fulfillment of, 2196
human law derived from eternal law, 1904
of the marketplace, 2425
and not arbitrary will is sovereign in a community of, 1904

law in the Old Testament
        chief commandments of, 2055
        curse of, 580
        Decalogue as the Law of God, 2058
        forgetting of law and its consequences, 710
        gift of, 238, 700, 2060
        of God as truth, 2465
        "Golden Rule" as a summary of, 1970
        Jesus and, 527, 576-82, 592, 2053, 2382
        in the Kingdom and in exile, 709
        purpose of, 62, 708
        sin as transgression of, 401
        value and significance of, 1961-64

moral law, 1950-74
        crimes against life and, 2269, 2271, 2282
        freedom and, 1740, 2526
        fullness and unity of law in Christ, 1953
        ignorance of, 1860
        observance of God's, 2222
        polygamy and, 2387
        significance of, 1950
        sin as an act contrary to, 1849, 1855, 1859
        uses contrary to, 2291, 2295-97, 2357, 2409, 2455
        validity of moral law during war, 2312

natural law, 1954-60
        acts contrary to, 2235, 2242
        application of the moral law in different cultures, 1957
        Decalogue and, 2070-71, 2079
        divorce and, 2384
        as the foundation and basis of the other laws, 1959
        immutability of, 1958
        Magisterium of the Church and, 2036
        political regimes and, 1901
        revealed law and, 1960
        significance of, 1954-55
        universality of, 1956

New Law of the Gospel, 1965-71
        definition of, 1965-66
        as an expression of the divine law, natural and revealed, 1965
        as fulfillment of the Old Law, 1967-68
        and the Holy Spirit, 1966
        Jesus as the norm of, 459
        as a law of love, grace, and freedom, 1972
        See also Covenant, New 

mystery of, 385

Laying on of hands
in Confirmation, 1288
in Holy Orders, 1538, 1556, 1558, 1573
Jesus heals by, 699, 1504
as a sign of the Covenant, 1150
significance of, 699

bishops and pastors as, 939, 1140, 1575, 2033, 2594
Christ leads, 551, 1547
conscience and prudence as, 1778, 1806
Magisterium of the Church that leads, 93
spiritual direction, 2690
state as leader for economic activity, 2431
Supreme Pontiff as, 816, 895, 899

Lectern, 1184

Lectio divina
liturgy and, 1177
meditation and, 2708

Lectionary, 1154

Lent, 540, 1095, 1438

economic and social, 2124
of Israel, 1363, 2170
prayer for liberation from evil, 2750, 2850-54
and salvation, 1741
from sin, 1741, 1964
wrought by Baptism, 1221, 1237

changing life by conversion, 1431
of Christ (see Christ)
Christ as the link between death and, 625
of the Church (see Church)
compared to death, 1007, 1012
death as the end of earthly, 1013
dignity of the life of the human body, 364
of God (see God)
God alone is the Lord of, 2258
"I am the resurrection and the life," 994
illness and suffering affect human, 150
Jesus, the "author of life," 635
laying down one's soul for one's friends, 609
man's life in the earthly paradise, 376
man's life as a struggle against evil, 386, 409, 1707
ministry of life as the fundamental duty of marriage and the family, 1653
sacred nature of human, 2258, 2319
water as the source of life and fruitfulness, 1218
Word of God and His breath at the origin of all, 703

Christian life
        angels as a help to, 336
        catechumenate as formation in life, 1248
        and communion with the divine persons, 259
        Eucharist, "source and summit of the whole Christian life," 1324, 1391-92
        family as the first school of, 1657
        Most Holy Trinity as central mystery of, 234
        and participation in Christ's death and Resurrection, 1002
        popular piety enriches, 1679
        prayer, an essential element of, 2701, 2745, 2764 (see also Prayer)
        precepts of Christian life in the Sermon on the Mount, 1966
        sacraments as foundation and help for, 1210, 1212-13
        Sacred Scripture as nourishment and rule of, 141
        and the way of perfection, 2015

conjugal life
        and Christ's presence in it, 1642
        established by the Creator and provided with His laws, 1660
        and fruitfulness, 1654, 1664
        See also Marriage (Matrimony)

consecrated life
        the Church's recognition of, 915
        consecration and mission, 931-33
        definition of, 916
        different forms of, 917-19
        eremitic life, 920-21
        evangelical counsels and profession, 914-16, 944
        religious life, 925-27
        secular institutes, 928-29
        significance of consecrated life in the Church, 932
        societies of apostolic life, 930
        virgins and widows, 922-24, 1537, 1672

eternal life
        Baptism, the "seal of eternal life," 1274
        of the blessed as full possession of the fruits of the Redemption, 1026
        Christ, the Lord of, 679
        God wants to give man, 55
        God will be "all in all" in, 1050, 1060
        grave sin as an impediment to attaining, 1472
        "He who eats my flesh... has eternal life," 1406, 1524
        "I believe in," 1020
        only God has "the words of eternal life," 1336
        pledge of eternal life in the sacraments, 1130
        resurrection of the dead and, 989-90, 994, 997-98, 1016
        as the reward of the righteous, 1038, 2002
        vocation to eternal life as God's gratuitous gift, 1998
        "What good deed must I do, to have eternal life?" 2052, 2075

human life
        peace and respect for, 2304
        purpose of human life to know God and to love and serve Him, 1, 68
        respect for, 2559-83
        and legitimate defense, 2263-67, 2321
        from the moment of conception, 2270-75, 2322
        and the punishment of death, 2266-67
        right to, 2264, 2273

moral life
        and the Church's Magisterium, 2032-40, 2049-51
        as a condition for building up the Church and the Kingdom, 2045-46
        definition of, 2047
        and the dignity of the person, 1706
        faith as the source of our, 2087
        gives spiritual freedom, 1828
        impediments to, 1740
        natural law governs, 1955
        passions and, 1767-70
        as a primary condition for proclaiming the Gospel, 2044
        is to reach its fulfillment in eternal life, 1715
        as spiritual worship, 2031, 2047
        virtues and gifts of the Holy Spirit as a help to, 1804, 1808, 1830

new life as divine life
        Baptism as the source of, 1254, 1279
        catechesis of, 1697
        communion with divine life as the purpose of creation, 760
        divine life offered to men in the sacraments, 694, 1131
        fruit in new life in Christ according to the Spirit, 740
        God wants to communicate His divine life to men, 52, 541
        grace as a sharing in God's life, 375, 1997
        liturgy as source of, 1071-72
        made possible by the coming of the Holy Spirit, 735
        merited for us by Christ, 1708
        opened in Christ's Resurrection, 654
        participation in the divine life arises not of the will of the flesh but of God, 505
        received from the Church in Baptism, 168, 628, 683
        and sin, 1420
        See also Grace

snares of human life
        abortion, 2271, 2322
        euthanasia, 2276-79
        infanticide, 2271
        intentional homicide, 2268-69
        procedures carried out on the embryo, 2275
        suicide, 2280-83

social life
        charity in, 1889
        Christian revelation and, 2419
        common good and, 1906, 1911, 1924
        family and, 2207, 2210
        God's mode of governance must be imitated in, 1884
        of man is necessary, 1879, 1891
        must be organized, 2442
        participation in, 1882, 1897-1917
        and protection of private life, 1907

spiritual life, 1699 (see also Spiritual life; Spirituality(ies))

transmission of life
        as cooperation with the work of the Creator, 372, 2367, 2398
        as the end of conjugal love, 2363, 2366
        ordained by God, 372
        regulation of births, 2368, 2370

Lifting up
of Jesus on the cross, 662
the mind toward God, 2098, 2559

Baptism as, 1216
"Children of light," 736, 1216, 1695
Christ as, 280, 529, 748, 1202, 2466, 2665, 2715
and darkness, 285, 1707
Decalogue as, 1962
of faith, 26, 89, 286, 298, 2730
God as, 157, 214, 234, 242, 257
of reason, 37, 47, 156-57, 1955
as symbol, 697, 1027, 1147, 1189
Word of God as, 141, 1785
of the world, 1243, 2105, 2466

Likeness to God
Baptism, the sacrament that confers conformity to the image of God, 1682
creatures bear a resemblance to God, 41
man's resemblance to God, 225, 705, 1604, 1701-09, 2319, 2331, 2784
union of the Divine Persons and the fraternity of men, 1878
ways to restore the divine likeness, 734, 2572

Limbo, 1261. See also Baptism; Funerals

Limits, therapeutic, 2278

God hears man's cry, 2657
God the Father always hears Jesus, 2604
to Jesus teaching us to pray, 2598
to the Word of God, 709, 900, 1651, 2578, 2584, 2656, 2716, 2724, 2835

Litanies, 1154, 1177

Liturgical music, 1156-58

angels in, 335
the Church as the proper place for liturgical prayer, 2691, 2695
earthly, 1088-89
Easter, 1217
Eastern liturgy and their features, 948, 1182, 1240, 1623
heavenly, 1090, 1137-39, 1326
Jewish liturgy and Christian liturgy, 1096
Liturgy of the Word, 1103, 1154, 1346, 1349, 2183
Mary in, 721
participation in the liturgy of the Church, 1273, 1389
popular devotions and, 1674-75
purpose of, 1068
significance of the word, 1069-70
divine persons in the liturgy Christ as the center and Priest of, 662, 1070, 1088
Christ in, 1084-90, 1097, 1136, 2655
God the Father as the source and goal of, 1077-83
the Holy Spirit in, 688, 1091-109
as work of the Trinity, 1076-109

interpretation of the liturgy
        as an action of the Church, 1071-72
        as a constitutive element of tradition, 1124
        corresponding to different cultures, 1204-06
        makes present the saving events, 1104
        as the privileged place for catechesis, 1074
        as a response of faith, 1083
        as the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed and as the font from which her power flows, 1074
liturgical celebration
        of the Anointing of the Sick, 1517-19, 1531
        of Baptism, 1234-45, 1278
        celebrating the heavenly, 1137-39
                community and group, 1140-41, 1144
                head and members, 1142-43
                sacramental, 1140-44
        of Confirmation, 1297-301, 1321
        elements of
                holy images, 1159-62
                signs and symbols, 1145-52
                song and music, 1156-58
                words and actions, 1153-55
        of the Eucharist, 1330, 1345-55, 1363
        of funerals, 1684-90
        of Holy Orders, 1572-74, 1597
        liturgical traditions and catholicity of the Church, 1200-03
        of matrimony, 1621-24, 1631, 1663
        ministries and, 1142-44
        modification of the sacramental rite, 1125
        Paschal mystery of Christ in, 1067-68
        of Penance, 1480-84

liturgical season, 1163-78
        liturgical year, 1168
                description of, 1168-71
                explanation of the Paschal mystery, 1171
                interpretation of the seasons in liturgical order, 1095
                memorial of the saints, 1173
                memorial of the Virgin Mary, 1172, 1370
                Paschal mystery as foundation for interpreting the liturgical year, 1168-69
                prayer and, 2698
                season of penance, 1438
                Sunday, the foundation and kernel of, 1193
        the Lord's Day, 1166-67
                importance of celebration of the Sunday Eucharist, 2177-79
                other feast days to be observed, 2177
                Sunday, 1166-67

Liturgy of the Hours, 1174-78
effects of, 1437
make-up of, 1176-77
origin of the, 1096
participating in, 1175
places for celebrating, 2691
prayers of all the People of God, 1173
purposes of, 1174
significance of, 1174, 1178

God, 205, 2112, 2575

Lord, 446-51. See also Christ; God

God's, 304
of Jesus, 449-50
"kingship" as, 2816
man's, 2293, 2415

Love. See also Charity

Christ's love
        charity, the new commandment, 1823
        healings, signs of love, 1503
        the heart of Christ, measure of His love for us, 478, 2669
        the life of Jesus reveals the mystery of the Father's love, 516, 701
        the Passion
                Christ died out of love for us, 1825
                Christ's sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins, 545
                love extended to all, 605, 616
        prayer, adherence to the will of the love of the Father, 2600

the Church's love
        for the poor, 2444, 2448
        for those who are separated, 818
        See also Church

God as revealed love
        Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in the name of love, 221, 257, 850
        "God is love," 214, 221, 231, 733
        heaven, communion of love, 1024
        men to be judged according to love, 1022

God's love
        as the cause for creation, 27, 293, 295
        creation as the first witness to, 315
        disposes creatures to their final purpose, 321
        establishes and preserves the world, 421
        as foundation of new life, 735
        as fruit of the Holy Spirit, 736, 1832, 2658
        God does not forsake His creatures, 2577
        His first gift, 733
        for Israel, 219-20
        "jealous" for us, 2737
        male and female made in the image of, 2331
        man partakes in the love of the Trinity, 850
        ordains all for the salvation of man, 313
        as a source of prayer, 2658
        See also God

love of God
        the Christian dies to be with God, 1011
        embracing celibacy for the, 1599
        faith as believing in God's love, 278, 1064, 2087, 2614
        keeping the commandments and abiding in love, 1824
        liturgy, a response of faith and, 1083
        loving God as Lord, 2086
        prayer, a communion of love in the Holy Spirit, 2615, 2712
        prayer draws everything in the love by which we are loved in Christ, 2658
        prayer and love, 2709, 2792
        prayer without ceasing and fervor coming from love, 2742
        praying about the Kingdom and cooperating with God's saving love, 2633, 2738
        "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart," 2055, 2063, 2083, 2093

love of neighbor
        of enemies, 2608, 2844
        the family at Nazareth, an example of, 533
        as forgiving one's brother from the depths of the heart, 2843
        inseparable from the love of God, 1878
        love for the poor is not compatible with love of riches, 2445
        "Love one another as I have loved you," 459, 1337, 1823
        "Love thy neighbor," 1844, 2055, 2196
        loving as Christ loved the poor and his enemies, 1825, 2443
        loving God and neighbor as a summary of the Decalogue, 1822, 2055, 2067, 2069
        as praying to the common Father for all men, 2793
        who has turned toward error regarding the faith, 2104

man's love
        conjugal love
                as the image of God's love, 1604
                indissoluble and faithful by its very nature, 1646
                in the institution of marriage, 1603
                ordered to procreation and unity, 1652, 2363, 2366, 2369
        of country, 2239
        of family, a natural society of love, 2207
        of the good, 1765-66
        order animated by love to the common good, 1912
        of truth, 2105, 2185, 2466, 2518
        See also Man

preferential love, 2729, 2732

as a capital sin, 1866
cause of concupiscence, 1607, 2259
concupiscence and the goods of others, 2534, 2536
mastery over covetousness, 377, 2552
meaning of, 2351
reasons for overcoming lust, 2541
See also Concupiscence; Desire

condemnation of, 2485
definition and significance of, 2482
devil as the father of the lie, 392, 2482
gravity of a lie, 2484, 2486
as an offense against the truth, 2483
tempter's lie as the beginning of sin, 215
ways to discern the truth and the lie, 1954, 2847


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