beatitudes as the path to, 1697, 1718, 2546
God gives, 27, 30, 384, 1028, 1035, 1723
human desire for, 33, 1718-19, 1818, 2548

        human desires and the message of the Church, 2126
        the liturgy and popular devotion, 1675
        man and created things, 374, 376, 379, 400, 1676
        rights and duties, 912
of both the Old and New Testaments, 1094
of created things, 307, 341, 2500
in the family, 2219, 2251
in human relations, 1807
of man and woman, 2333
of signs in Church buildings, 1158, 1162, 1181

condemnation of, 2262, 2302-03
of evil and of one's enemy, 1933
of one's brother and murder, 1033
origin of, 1765, 2539
of Satan, 395
toward Jesus and God, 2094, 2148

Head. See Christ; Peter (the apostle)

charism of, 1508
consecrated oil as a sign of, 1293
God gives spiritual, 739, 798, 1210, 1484, 1502
medical and scientific procedures for healing man, 2274-75, 2292
sacraments of healing (see Anointing of the Sick; Penance and Reconciliation)

Health, physical
changes and procedures directed toward improving the physical health of an embryo, 2275
"Heal the sick" as the Church's task, 1509
praying for, 1512
protection of, 2211
respect for, 2288-91
restoration of health as an effect of the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, 1532

adoration of the heart of Christ, 2669
aspirations of the human, 1432, 1697, 1725, 1809, 1818, 2551
of Christ and Sacred Scripture, 112, 2599, 2603
Christ's heart loves each and everyone, 478
Christ's heart, the Word Incarnate, 478, 766, 1419, 1439
of the Church, 1407
consequences of hardness of, 643, 1610, 1614, 1859, 2840
consequences of a humble, 544, 570
demands and consequences of purity of, 298, 1720, 1728, 1990, 2517-19, 2530-33, 2621
divine knowledge of the human, 473, 1586
education of the conscience engenders peace of, 1784, 2302
God governs the heart according to His will, 269
God touches and moves the heart of man directly, 1742, 2002, 2070, 2072
God's love and the heart of man, 733, 2658
hardening of, 591, 674, 1859
Holy Spirit as a help to the human, 2712, 2767
Holy Spirit dwells in, 683, 689, 742, 782, 1082, 1296, 1303, 2671
Holy Spirit renews the heart of men, 715
humble vigilance of, 2729-33, 2849
inclination of the human, 401, 582
law of the Gospel and the heart of man, 1776, 1965, 1968, 1984
loving the Lord with all your, 201-02, 1809, 2055, 2083
natural law and the heart of man, 1955-56, 1958, 2070
open to faith, 89
passions and their origin in, 1764
as the place of truth, covenant, and encounter, 2563, 2710
poverty of heart as an obstacle to entering the Kingdom, 2544-47
prayer and, 2562, 2588, 2655, 2700, 2710, 2721, 2800
significance of, 368, 2563, 2710
sin and the heart of man, 1850, 1853, 1855, 1873, 1963, 2336, 2528
transformation of the praying, 2739
will of God and the shaping of, 2611

beatitude of, 1729
beauty of heaven and the knowledge of God, 32
Christ and His Ascension into, 659-64, 665-67
Christ and His descent from, 440, 1001
Christians as citizens of, 2796
the Church and the glory of, 769, 778, 1042, 1053
communion between the Church on earth and in, 954-59, 962
creation of heaven and earth in the Apostles' Creed, 198, 279, 325
Eucharist as the bread of, 1331, 1355, 1419, 2837
God, the Creator of heaven and earth, 212, 216, 269, 287, 290
hope and the glory of, 1821
kingdom of heaven
        and the Beatitudes, 1716, 1724-25
        and celibacy and virginity, 1579, 1618-19
        and Christ, 541, 567, 763
        and Christ's passover, 541, 567, 763
        and the Church, 865
        and God's will, 2826
        and hope, 1817-18
        and the keys, 553
        and the Law, 577, 1964
        and poverty, 544, 2544, 2547, 2556
Lord's Prayer and, 2794-96, 2802
new heaven and the new earth, 1042-50
significance of, 326, 1024-26, 2794-95, 2802
treasure in, 2053

Hebrews. See Israel

the Church's teaching on, 1036
as the consequence of the continual rejection of God, 1034
definition of, 1033-34
eternal separation from God as hell's chief punishment, 1035
as the free and willful turning away from God, 1037
mortal sin as the cause of eternal death, 1861

definition of, 2089
first, 465
origin of, 817

Hermeneutics. See Exegesis

Hermits. See Life: consecrated life

of the Church, 871-76, 1569, 1571
of creatures evident in creation, 342
of petitions in prayer, 2632
of spiritual and material values, 1886, 1895, 2236, 2244
of truths of the faith, 90, 234

Church and, 759, 770
creation as the beginning of, 338
God, the Lord and Master of, 269, 304, 450
God transcends, 212
grasping the ultimate meaning of, 388, 1040
interpretation of history and the Church's social teaching, 2422
prayer and, 2568, 2591, 2596, 2660
providence in, 303, 314, 395
sin and, 386, 390, 401, 409

Hodie. See "Today"

call to, 2013-14, 2028, 2813
charity as the soul of, 826
of Christ, 459, 564, 2030
of the Christian faithful, 2045
of the Church, 670, 824-25, 867, 1986
in the communion of saints, 1475
the Cross as the way to, 2015
faith as a help to attain, 1709
of God, 2809 (see also God)
Mary's, 492
as a measure in the Church, 828
no holiness without ascesis, 2015
purification in purgatory for achieving, 1030
state of original holiness and sin, 375, 405
See also Sanctification

Holy Orders, sacrament of, 1536
Christ as the Minister of, 1575
and consecration, 1538
degrees of, 1593
goals and significance of, 1120, 1534, 2686
God's call to the ordained ministry, 1578
manifestation of, 1142
meaning of words, 1537-38
one of the seven sacraments, 1113, 1210
prefiguring of, 1541
presence of Christ in, 1548-50
as the way of transmission of apostolic succession, 1087
See also Ministry; Sacrament(s)

celebration of the sacrament of Holy Orders
        bishop as minister of, 1576
        place and time of, 1572
        rites of celebrations of the three degrees, 1573-74
        signs of consecration, 1538

effects of the sacrament of Holy Orders
        acting in the person of Christ the Head, 1142, 1548
        capacity to act as Christ's representative, 1581
        configuration to Christ the Priest, 1585
        deacons strengthened by sacramental grace in the service of the People of God, 1588
        grace of strength for the bishop, 1586
        grace of strength for the priest, 1587
        indelible character of, 1121, 1582-83
        power to forgive sins, 1461
        unworthiness of an ordained minister does not prevent Christ from acting, 1584

three degrees of the sacrament of Holy Orders, 1536, 1554
                deacon is ordained into the bishop's ministry, 1569
                indelible character of, 1570
                only the bishop lays hands, 1569
                See also Deacon(s) 
                consecration confers the offices of sanctifying, teaching, and governing, 1558
                fullness of the sacrament of, 1557
                handing on of the mission of the apostles, 1556
                intervention of the Bishop of Rome necessary for the legitimate ordination of a bishop, 1559
                See also Bishop
                anointing, 1563
                handing on of the ministry through the bishops, 1562
                indelible character, 1563
                ordination in the order of priesthood, 1568
                of priests presupposes the sacrament of Christian initiation, 1563
                priests share in Christ's universal mission, 1565
                significance of the mission of priests, 1564
                significance of the promise of obedience to the bishop, 1567
                See also Priest/priesthood

who may receive the sacrament of Holy Orders
        ability of a baptized male, 1577
        a celibate baptized man (in the Latin Church), 1579
        a man called by God, 1578
        discipline in force in the Eastern Churches, 1580
        married permanent deacons, 1579
        right to receive holy orders given to no one, 1578

Holy Spirit
beginning of life in, 1231
blasphemy against, 1864
Christian anointed by, 1241
Christian as a temple of, 1197, 1265
consubstantial with the Father and the Son, 685, 689
in the Creed, 190
desires of the Holy Spirit that satisfy man's heart are contrary to the desires of the flesh, 2541-43
grace of Holy Spirit and justification, 1987-95, 2003
invoking the outpouring of, 1083, 1196, 1299, 1353, 2670-72
man as a temple of, 364, 782, 2519
man participates in the light and power of, 1704
meaning of the term "Spirit," 691
new law of, 782
power of the Spirit of holiness recognized in the canonized faithful, 828
praying with and in conformity with the, 2736, 2756
presence and action of the Holy Spirit in human faculties, 1813
purposes of the mission of, 1108
renewal by, 1215
revelation of, 243-45, 683, 686-87
Trinity and, 253-55, 263

gifts of the Holy Spirit, 1830-32
        charism of healing, 1508
        charisms, 799, 951
        charity as the fruit of the Holy Spirit and of the fullness of the Law, 1824
        chastity, 2345
        in Confirmation, 1289, 1303
        in episcopal consecration, 1556, 1558
        fear of God, 2217
        fruits of the Holy Spirit, 736, 1832
        grace, 2003
        grace of repentance and conversion, 1433
        love, 733, 735, 2712
        in the power of forgiving sins, 976
        in the sacrament of
                Anointing of the Sick, 1520
                Holy Orders, 1538, 1585-89
                Matrimony, 1624
                seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, 1831, 1845
                what is necessary for receiving, 1310
                wisdom, faith, and discernment, 2690

Holy Spirit and Christ
        in Christ's ministry, 535, 555
        in Christ's prayer, 2600
        in communion with Christ, 1286
        conjoined mission of the Son and the, 485, 680, 690, 727
        as the gift of Christ, 729, 1287
        and the mystery of Christ, 1099, 1104-07
        prepares for the reception of Christ, 1093-98, 1113
        recalls the mystery of Christ, 1099-107
        relation between the Holy Spirit and Jesus, 739, 747, 797, 1108
        in the Resurrection, 648
        reveals Jesus Christ, 152, 683, 687, 689, 702, 727-30, 1092, 1112
        reveals the Father and the Son, 243-48, 687
Holy Spirit and the Church, 738-41
        action in the sacraments, 1116, 1127-29, 1152, 1155, 1227, 1316
        bestows hierarchical and charismatic gifts, 768
        bestows the primary elements of the whole of the Church's mission, 852
        builds up and sanctifies the Church, 747
        changes bread and wine, 1333
        chooses suitable ministers, 1142
        Church as the temple of the, 797-801
        communion of the Holy Spirit in the liturgy, 1108-09
        given to the apostles and in apostolic succession, 1087
        leads the Church on her    missionary paths, 852
        new Law and the Law of the Gospel as the grace of, 1965-66
        outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Baptism, 784, 786
        outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Confirmation, 1302, 1316
        as the source of the Church's life and holiness, 749, 767-68, 867
        "Where the Church is, there also is God's Spirit" and vice-versa, 797
        work of the Holy Spirit in the Acts of the Apostles, 2640

Holy Spirit in the Economy of Salvation
        bestows gifts to all, 2003
        cleanses us from our sins, 1987
        compels Christians towards unity, 738
        converts the human heart, 1989
        enlightens, strengthens, and renews the Christian, 1695, 1769
        gives an outpouring at the end-time, 2819
        helps and sustains faith, 94, 152, 158, 175, 683-84
        inspires and transmits Revelation, 76, 81, 105
        intercedes for men, 2634
        interprets Scripture, 109-19, 137
                believers to the truth, 79
                the faithful, 79, 91, 737, 1697, 1742
                to a life of prayer, 2623, 2644, 2803
        as the master of prayer, 741, 2625, 2630, 2650, 2670, 2681, 2711, 2726, 2766
        preserves and animates creation, 291, 703
        as principal author of Sacred Scripture, 137, 304
        restores the divine likeness to man, 720, 734
        as the source of all holiness, 749
        at work in the economy of salvation, 685

Holy Spirit and Mary
        as author of the Incarnation of the Word in Mary, 456, 484-86
        Mary prepared by the, 493, 721-22

titles of the Holy Spirit
        according to Saint Paul, 693
        Consoler, 1433
        Creator Spirit, 291
        the giver of life, 291
        Paraclete, 692
        as the proper name, 691
        source of goodness, 291
        the Spirit of truth, 692, 1848, 2466
        outpouring of the Holy Spirit

Christian celebrations and, 1104
        effects of, 686, 706, 759, 1076, 1229
        as fulfillment of Christ's Passover, 667, 731
        laying on of hands for, 699
        in our present time, 2819
        in the sacrament of Confirmation, 1299, 1302
        in the sacrament of Holy Orders, 1573
        upon the apostles for their mission, 1287, 1556

prophetic promise
        in creation, 703-04
        on the day of Pentecost, 731-32
        expectation of the Messiah and His Spirit, 711-16
        from the beginning, 702
        in the fullness of time, 717-30
        in Jesus Christ, 727-30
        in John the Baptist, 717-20
        in the Kingdom and the Exile, 709-10
        made to Abraham, 705-06
        in Mary, 721-26
        in theophanies, 707-08

symbols of the Holy Spirit
        anointing, 695
        clouds, 555, 697
        dove, 535, 701
        finger of God, 700
        fire, 696
        hand, 699
        light, 697
        seal, 698, 1295-96
        water, 694, 1137, 2652

earthly homeland and related duties, 2199, 2239-40, 2310
heavenly, 117, 1525, 2795

at funerals, 1688
importance of, 132, 1154
in the Liturgy of the Word, 1346

Homosexuality, 2357-59. See also Sexuality

human body worthy of, 364, 2300
man's right to, 2479
must be given
        to authority, 1900
        to God, 449, 2116
        to holy images, 2132
        to parents, 2197-200, 2214

Abraham's hope as an example of Christian, 1819
definition of, 1817, 2090
eternal life as Christian, 1843
first commandment as a source of, 2086
of Israel, 64, 673-74
of the new heaven and the new earth, 1042-50, 1405
prayer as source of, 2657
reason for Christian, 1681, 2785
responds to the human aspiration to happiness, 1818
sins against, 2091-92
support for, 274, 1717, 1820, 2657
sustains and helps faith, 162
as a theological virtue, 1813, 1817-21

Hospitality, 1971

Christ as the living, 1992
solemn veneration of consecrated host also outside of Mass, 1378

Hour of Jesus, 729-30, 1165, 2719, 2746

Hours and the liturgy. See Liturgy of the Hours

Human act
circumstances and consequences of, 1754
faith as, 154, 155, 180
freedom of, 1731, 1744, 1745, 1782, 2008, 2106
intention of, 1752-53, 1756
matrimonial consent as, 1625-32
morality of, 1709, 1749-56, 1757-61, 1805, 1813, 1853, 1954, 2085, 2157
morally disordered, 1761
morally good, 1755, 1760
object of, 1751
See also Action/acting; Man; Passion(s)

Human embryo
defense of the, 2270-71, 2273-74, 2323, 2377-78
liceity of intervention in treating, 2275

Human race
desire for happiness, 1718
God seeks to save, 56
God's solicitude for, 55-56, 353
goods of creation intended for, 2402
origin and source of, 297, 842
quest for God, 28
unity of, 360, 775-76, 1045
vocation of, 1877
See also Humanity; Man

consequences of Adam's sin for, 400, 402-06
future lot of, 1917
People of God and, 782
unity and salvation for humanity in the Church, 776, 845
See also Human race

of Jesus, 272, 472, 520, 537, 2748

as the foundation of prayer, 2559, 2631
as necessary for prayer, 2713
"Poverty of spirit" as, 2546

feeding the hungry as works of mercy, 1039, 2447
"Give us this day our daily bread," 2828, 2830
grave offense of causing, 2269
to hear the word of God, 2835
Jesus experienced, 544, 556
Jesus frees us from, 549
solidarity and the drama of hunger in the world, 2831

Husband. See Marriage (Matrimony)

liturgical, 1100
of praise, 32, 2589
in tradition, 1156

Christ, one, 466, 468
meaning of, 252


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