Babel, 57

communion with God and the image of the wedding feast, 1027
conversion and the festive, 1439
Eucharistic, 1390, 1391, 1397, 1408, 1617
feast of the Kingdom, 1642, 1682, 2618, 2770, 2837, 2861
heavenly, 1036, 1344
Lord's Day and invitation to His, 1166
marriage feast of the Lamb, 546, 1244, 1335
paschal, 1340, 1382-1401
sinners and messianic, 589

of adults, 1247-49
apostles and the mission of baptizing, 1223, 1276
Baptismal promises, 1185, 1254, 2101, 2340
of blood, 1258
catechumens, their instruction and, 281
catechumens who die without baptism and salvation, 1259, 1281
chastity and, 2345, 2348, 2355
Christian life rooted in, 1266
Christian name and, 2156, 2165
Christ's Passion and cross as the font of, 1225
the Church and, 846, 866, 1226-28, 1267
conversion and, 1427-29
desire for, 1258-60, 1280
faith and, 172, 1226, 1236, 1253-55
grace of, 1262-66, 1308
grace of Christ and, 1255, 1262-74, 1279, 1997, 1999
Holy Spirit and, 691, 694, 698, 701, 798, 1274, 2017, 2670
of infants, 403, 1231, 1233, 1250-52, 1282, 1290
infants who have died without, 1261, 1283
of Jesus, 535-37, 556, 565, 608, 701, 1223-25, 1286
of John the Baptist, 523, 720
names for, 1214-16
necessity of, 846, 1257-61, 1277
Passion of Christ and, 565, 1225
prefigurings of, 117, 527, 1094, 1217-22
profession of faith and, 14, 167, 189, 1064
religious consecration and, 916, 931, 945
as the sacrament of faith, 1236, 1253
significance of, 628, 950, 1213-14, 1220, 1227-28, 1234-45, 1262, 1617
those who can be baptized, 1246-47
unity of Christians and, 855, 1271
See also Sacrament(s)

administration and rites of Baptism
    anointing with oil and, 1294
    exorcism in the celebration of, 1673
    faculty of laypersons for conferring, 903
    godfather, godmother, parents, and, 1255, 1311
    handing on of the Lord's Prayer in, 2769
    ministers of, 1256, 1284
    rite of, 1185, 1229-45, 1278, 2769
    water and its symbolic power in, 694, 1214, 1217

Baptism and sacraments, 1113, 1210, 1535
    and Anointing of the Sick, 1523
    and Christian initiation, 1212, 1229-33, 1275, 1285, 1306, 1318, 1321, 1525, 1533
    and Confirmation, 1288-91, 1298, 1304-06, 1312-13
    and the Eucharist, 1244, 1392, 1396
    and Penance, 980, 1425, 1446-47, 2042

effects of Baptism, 1262
    apostolate, offices following from Baptism, 871, 900, 1268
    communion with the Church, 838, 846, 1267-70, 1273, 1277, 1279
    consecration to holy priesthood, 119, 1141, 1305, 1546, 1591
    entering the Church, the People of God, 782, 784, 804, 846, 950, 1185, 1277
    final salvation and Baptism, 1023, 2068
    forgiveness of sins, 403, 405, 628, 977-80, 981, 985, 1213, 1216, 1262-66, 1279, 1434, 1694, 2520
    gift of faith and of new life, 168, 1236, 1253-55
    gift of the theological virtues and the gifts of the Holy Spirit as well as the virtue of merit, 1266
    justification and Baptism, 1987, 1992, 2020, 2813
    life-giving effect of the Word of God, 1228
    makes of us members of Christ's body, 537, 818, 871, 950, 985, 1003, 1267-70, 1279, 1694, 2565, 2782, 2791, 2798
    a new creature born in the Spirit, 168, 507, 683, 1010, 1227, 1262, 1265-66, 1277, 1279
    participation in the life of the Trinity, 265
    rights and duties arising from Baptism, 1269-70
    sacramental character, an indelible spiritual mark, 1272-74, 1280
    sanctification and Baptism, 2813
    union in Baptism with Christ who died, 790, 1002, 1010, 1227

Baptistry, 1185

against evil, 409-10
Baptism, forgiveness of sins and battle against evil, 978-79, 1264
Christian holiness and the spiritual, 2015
consequences of original sin and spiritual, 405, 407-09
conversion and, 1426
faith and, 162, 2573
flesh, spirit and, 2516, 2819, 2846
human life as, 409, 1707
human nature and the spiritual, 2516
prayer as, 2612, 2725-51, 2846, 2849
purity and the battle to attain it, 2520-27

attaining divine beatitude through Baptism, 1257
and the desire for happiness, 1718, 2548
effects of, 1721
free gift of God, 1720-22, 1727
God as our, 257, 1731, 1855
hope and eternal, 1818
human person destined for eternal, 1700, 1703, 1711, 1769, 1818, 1934, 2548
man's vocation to, 1700, 1934
sin turns man away from God and from His, 1855, 1863, 1874, 1949

Beauty, 2500
art and, 2501-03, 2513
contemplation of God's, 319, 2784
God as the author of, 2129, 2500
of holy icons imprinted in the life of the faithful, 1162
human body as the manifestation of divine, 2519
perfection of God and beauty of creatures, 41, 341
prayer and its expressive, 1157, 1191
prayer as love of God's, 2727
of the world as a way of coming to God, 32, 33

attitude of selfishness and charity, 1931, 2831
Christian behavior and scandal, 2284, 2286
law as a rule of, 1951, 1958
morality of, 1753
religious behavior of men, 28, 844

Abraham, "father of all who believe," 145-47, 1080
atheism and, 2125
the Church and, 181, 752, 759, 836
duties of, 904-05
growth in the faith of, 94, 166, 1102
Mary, the mother of, 2676
priesthood of, 1546
unity of believers in Christ, 790, 805, 813, 817, 947
witness of, 2471

articles signified in the Apostles' Creed, 184, 190-01
consequences of believing in God, 222-27
Creed (see Creed/symbols of faith; Faith: creeds and formulas of belief)
doubts of faith, 2088
ecclesial act of belief, 181
firm knowledge of divine omnipotence, 274
gift of, 153, 179, 1266
human act of, 154-55, 166, 180
motive for, 156
necessity of faith to obtain salvation, 161
references to the act of, 177
refusal to believe, 1034
significance of, 26, 155, 1064
See also Faith

to Christ, 1272, 1296, 2182
sense of belonging to the Church, 1309

charity and, 1829
God's plan of loving goodness, 50-51, 257, 315, 2807, 2823
Holy Spirit gives kindness, 736, 1832
human communities and, 2213, 2540, 2554
kindness proper of God, 214
man's kindness toward animals, 2416

Bible. See Sacred Scripture

Bishop of Rome (see Supreme Pontiff)
chair of, 1184
collaborators of, 927, 1562-68, 1570
episcopal college, 857, 877, 879-87, 1577
episcopal ordination, 1555-61, 1572
as the living image of God the Father, 1549
and the priesthood, 1567
s the successor of the Apostles, 77, 861-62
See also Holy Orders, sacrament of: three degrees of the sacrament of Holy Orders

office of bishop
    authority to make particular judgments, 919, 1483, 1673
    consecrates the sacred chrism, 1297
    governs, 816, 873, 894-96
    has care of the particular Church, 1560, 1594
    as minister of Confirmation, 1299, 1312-13
    as minister of Holy Orders, 1538, 1569, 1576
    as minister of reconciliation, 1462 (See also Penance and Reconciliation)
    presides at the Eucharistic celebration, 1142, 1561
    responsibility for the Eucharist, 1369
    sanctifies, 893
    tasks in Christian initiation, in Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist, 1120-21
    See Catechism of the Catholic Church

Bishop of Rome. See Supreme Pontiff

gravity of, 1031, 1756, 1856
Jesus accused of, 574
oaths and, 2149
significance of, 2148, 2162

baptized persons called to be, 1669
of bread and wine, 1000, 1334-35, 1347, 1353, 1412
the Church's, 1082, 1217, 1245, 1624, 1630, 1671-72
death as, 1009
the Eucharist and, 1328, 1360, 1402
the Father blesses Mary in a singular way, 492, 2676
forms of, 2627
God's, 1077-82, 1110, 2627, 2644
grace at meals, 2834
large families and divine, 2373
prayer and, 2589, 2767, 2781, 2803
significance of, 1078, 2626, 2645

prayer of the blind men heard by Jesus, 2616

doubt of faith and blindness of the spirit, 2088
of Herod and Pilate and the plan of salvation, 600

Baptism of, 1258
of martyrs as the seed of Christians, 852
"This is my blood," 610, 1365
and water as symbols of Christ's Church, 766, 1225
See also Eucharist; Transubstantiation 

Body of Christ, members of the
becoming, 1213, 1267
Christians as, 521, 738-39, 793, 795-96, 1988
diversity of, 791, 873
divisions between, 821
Holy Spirit as the principle vital to, 798
unity and communion of, 790-91, 797, 947, 953, 1368, 1396, 1469
See also Church: the Church as the mystical body of Christ

Body, human
care of body and mind, 2289
charity and, 2447
Christ as physician of the heart, 1421, 1503, 1509
conjugal love and, 1643
death and, 1011, 1016, 1681
degrading injuries to the dignity of, 2355
final judgment and, 1059
Gehenna and, 1034
governing one's, 908
kingdom of God and, 1042, 1060
modesty and, 2523
nature of the incorruptible, 997, 999, 1016-17
prayer and, 2702-03, 2722
redemption of, 1046
respect for, 1004, 2301
rest for the body and Sunday, 2185, 2193
resurrection and, 298, 990, 992, 997, 999, 1000, 1016-17
sexuality and, 2332, 2362, 2370
sin and, 1863, 2516
temple of the Holy Spirit, 364
unity of the soul and, 327, 360, 362-68, 382

Book. See Gospel(s); Sacred Scripture; Word (Christ)

change of bread into the Body of Christ, 1106, 1353, 1375-76
communion under the species of bread alone, 1390
daily, 1334, 2828-37, 2861
Jesus as the living, 1406
of life, 103, 1338, 1405, 2835
manna in the desert as true bread from heaven, 1094
multiplication of the loaves, 1335, 2828-37
signs of bread and wine in the Eucharist, 1333-36
unleavened, 1334

Breaking of bread
as a name of the Eucharist, 1329
perseverance in, 84, 949, 1342, 2624
and the wholeness of Christ, 1377

as the image of the Holy Spirit, 691 (see also Holy Spirit)

Breviary. See Liturgy of the Hours

all men are, 361, 1931
charity toward the least of these my brethren, 678, 952, 1033, 1397, 1932, 2447, 2449
Christ, first-born of a multitude of brothers and sisters, 381, 501, 2012, 2448
Church as the union of Christ's, 788
giving scandal to one's, 2284
Israel, the people of "elder brethren," 63
Jesus as our, 469
Jesus' brothers and sisters, 500
in the Lord, 818, 1271, 2074, 2790
prayer for the brethren, 2768
reconciliation with one's, 1424, 1469, 2608, 2840, 2843, 2845
respect of the brethren m the human family, 1789, 2054, 2269, 2302
respect for one's brothers and sisters, 2212, 2219, 2231
responsibility toward one's, 2831
what it means to be a brother of Christ, 2233
witness must be given to one's contemporaries, 932

Burial, 1690, 2300

fraud and, 2269, 2409
sale of arms, 2316


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